Saturday, July 17, 2010

Me, myself as a student (part2)

I know it has been a long time.. my excuses are still the same.. busy and lazy... oh.. and no mood.. well, you need to have to mood to do things... that is why i am not sleeping now (it's 1.00am, fyi) and sitting in front of my desktop typing myself out...

Where did i stop?? ah, yes... I believe i ended at the end of my secondary years.. which turns into a new phase of study.. a totally different environment, known as the university.. I started my university life with foundation.. An exciting start to begin with... as it is completely different from my previous schooling days.. A fun year to start my university life.. although I did not really get to enjoy a campus life but at least then friends part did help replace that... life was happening back then when there were times we race off to the nearest shopping mall for lunch during our 3 hour break.. and even had k-session during our 4 hour break... don't ask me about the long breaks.. i really dont know why were they so long... anyway.. it's a really exciting experience for somebody who just reached 18..

Then, after my foundation years came to an end... my degree years starts... into a course that i was really looking forward to.. i started ok, my exam results, i mean... and then it went down every time... well, that's not something nice to mark my degree life.. so let's just let it go with this brief introduction... moving to another topic.. it's a bunch of nice coursemates that actually adds in the spices of my degree years.. it was not always happy, carefree, lovey-dovey... there were conflicts, arguments, disagreements and many other negative stuff... but in the end, i guess... we are still a class to hang together with.. besides these, the hanging out part and not forgetting the outings for assignments part are really memorable... during the time when we are free from classes, we'll be out at shopping malls, karaoke, steamboat-ing, traveling... etc... all of us have a gang we belong to.. 616... BFFs?? Nah!! it's just a childish way Paris Hilton use to categorize her friends.. She even have a reality show for it!! a reality show to be a BFF?? what the hell does BFF means to you anyway?? to me, a friend is a friend.. the level of "best-ness" differs but however so, their category as a friend will not change... so, we are friends and hopefully it will last forever... yeah!!
Our friendship could be seen through my previous posts of our outings... it's a bond that not a simple combination of alphabets can just represent.. it's kinda hard to put it in words if you ask me.. so just see for yourself (take a peek at my previous posts if you have time)

I'm almost done here.. I know its much much shorter than my previous one.. but my university life is more less recorded in my blog so i guess there is no point for me to repeat and summarise them here.. those who have been following my blog will know and those who have not, feel free to check them out if you have the time..

that's all folks!!
Signing Off~~~


Kee Kee 琦琦 said...

aha~smart girl;P yah la, they even 'abolished the morning talk show in just a the content's not so interesting to me anymore...kekeke, I like listening to the radical side of things when it comes to political stuffs...
anywayz, how's work going? starting to settle in i guess? ...haha, judging that u finally found time to blog again? hehe;-)

Kee Kee 琦琦 said...

hey...ah, good to know u share same interest...
anyway the philippine bus hijack thingy...the more i read back of all the tiny details of the incident, and with all that i am following's just so saddening...have to resist not crying...what's more when death is supposed to be preventable...i know now why HK ppl gets so angry and so kik dong...when even i, get so kik dong myself watching and reading all those...