Friday, April 12, 2013

[B]ack to the Future

Life.... is full of regrets... We regret doing something, regret not doing it at all or regret not doing it properly... Regret saying something or regret not saying it at all... 

Whatever it is, the only thing left to be done is suck it up as life moves on... There is no turning back to change it as time only moves forward and stops for no one...

So, you will have to bear the consequences of whatever action you have done and the choices that you have made...

Since there is a reason why we could not turn back time...

It is because.....





We have past the "Back to the Future" time frame... We can no longer go back anymore...


Hey there, sorry for the lame-ness but I have been wanting to tell a joke about this ever since I realised that 2013 is the year Marty McFly arrived in Back to the Future but I just could not think of something that could relate to it...

This idea just suddenly popped up in my mind which is to start it with something serious and end it with a snort...

Anyway, Happy Friday!! TGIF!!

Signing off!!

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