Thursday, November 28, 2013

[Q]uick question: Computer Radiation Protection Glasses, should I??

Just a while ago, I saw a deal on one of the many group buying websites available that spams the heck out of your email inbox...

[69% Off] RM28 for Computer Radiation Protection Glasses (Comes with various design) + FREE Delivery Peninsular Malaysia

Computer Radiation Protection Glasses... My eyesight is pretty good, I don't need glasses for clearer vision but this is not to correct my eyesight but it is to protect my eyes... I was quite tempted to get one for myself.. Since I am facing the computer most of the time of my life.. At work, I face the computer as long as my working hours... maybe besides the 1 hour lunch break and occasional washroom breaks which is less than 2 hours... however I bring lunch from home most of the time so we could just deduct that 1 hour... Then, when I reach home.. after a while of resting, I will get my laptop out and I am facing the computer again... watching videos, checking Facebook, playing games and even writing blogs...

Besides the computer, there's is your phone... and since I have converted into a smart phone user, I am also exposed to radiation from the phone... Although I only use my phone for live messaging, and microblogging... and not forgetting the occasional game-playing... My eyes are constantly attacked by radiation!!!

I believe that is the life of most of the people out there... so, i have been thinking... should I get a pair for myself before I need to wear one for real to correct my eyesight for the rest of my life?? No harm preventing right??

There's still 8 days for me to consider... I am still considering... Should I get one?? Is it necessary??
Do leave a comment and let my know your opinions on this.

Signing off

Monday, November 18, 2013

[P]erhaps I should...

I am very easily inspired and impressed by indie filmmakers, how the strive about to pursue their dreams and how they work pass criticisms, rejections and all sorts of hurdles to achieve what they have got today... I really enjoyed watching self-made videos on youtube just to be reminded that I once (and secretly still am) dream of producing videos and showing them to people who are interested from all over the world...

However, no matter how inspired I was... I still could not find the courage to step out and try to make it happen.. I fear that it is not a secured career, there will not be a stable income and I need to give up a whole lot of securities that I currently possess in order to get going... I have absolutely no courage of doing that.. That's just what separating me and my dreams.. I could not let go the luxury of a steady income..

Watching videos like this always stabs me hard... Why can't I just be who I want to be, for once, not care about the circumstances and the consequences...

Oh well... I am not proud of it but I still don't have the guts to follow what I want in life.. I love writing stories, I love joining video productions, I love early call times and late wraps that makes a great video where everybody would cheer for... the sense of fulfillment and satisfaction I always craved.. spending days in all sort of environments, rain or shine just to get a 5 minute video done... that's the life I prepared myself for...

But, I guess... it pays to be gutless.. like me... giving up a steady income is just so hard... especially after knowing the real situation surrounding me... It makes it even harder to just let go and just go... I have such a strong need of security that even the thought of letting go just suffocates me...

So here I am... watching videos and mentally stabbing myself everytime I see people leading the life I have always dream of...

Just a word of advise, to anybody who is reading this... if you dont step out and start walking into the path of your dreams, you will most probably end up like me, sitting in front of a PC with the luxury of a paid day job writing out your regrets just like this...

p/s: Old thinkings die hard, even harder when you need them to

I hope you could live your dream although I couldn't!!

Signing off~

[O]oopss... Sorry for being slow

I just realised that Blogger has changed the maximum posts per page limit.. instead of it being how many posts you have set it to show, it now goes on its own, deciding how many posts will be shown base on how big your post is, which means if there are loads of pictures and videos in your posts, you would most probably be seeing that one very "heavy" post on your blog and people will have to click "older post" in order to read your other posts.... Which... most people won't do unless they are a big fan of your blog and are very eager to know about your life, which.... are the readers I doubt I have... I don't even know who reads my blog anymore, I receive spam comments more that anything else I have received from my blog... Thank god blogger has the auto-filter-to-spam thingy...

Ok, back to the main topic... since I could not do anything to change the number of posts that I want to be seen on my blog.. which... by the way, my posts are super super "light" if you would compare to those picture-video-loaded ones that other people posts.. Mine mostly consists of words and an occasional picture or two... I don't really have loads of pictures on my posts, at least my few recent posts doesn't so why is my blog only showing 3 posts on its page???

Side tracked again... since I cannot change the number of posts... I have added another column on the left of my blog so that the initial column on the right does not flow all the way deep down that you will have to scroll your heart out until the cows come home to reach the end (I am aware that I have quite a LONG sidebar)... Why are you being so hard on me, blogger?? I am just someone who writes for fun and i might not even have "real" readers, judging on the number of spam comments I get everyday.. why can't you just leave me alone and leave my blog however it was before??? Now, my blog-banner-head-thingy is not centred and I don't know how to fix it.. I don't dare to meddle with the HTML codes in case I screw something up big time and have to spend even more time fixing it.. anybody, has any idea on how to move my blog header and footer thingy to the centre of the page?? Your comments are most welcome and will be appreciated 100%!!

Oh well, that's all for now...

Will have more meaningful posts soon... please bear with me..

Signing off~~ Toodles!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

[N]ovember, already??!!!!

Oh dear, I made my new year resolution saying that I will be posting 36 posts this year.. I am now down to 9 posts and less than 2 months left!!

Let's see what else have I not blogged~~
Macau-HK trip.. final day...
Seoul study tour -this was supposed to be halfway done by now~~
Hatyai-Bangkok trip - Yea, I actually went somewhere this year..
Kuching - this just happened so it most probably will not be blogged so soon...
several life events... I got a new job!!! I learned how to sew and made a few of my own pieces...

It seems that I have a lot to blog about... better get a few posts up... and my fanfic... it's also not done yet... oh dear!! so many things to complete and so little time...

Gonna blame mr procrastinator~~

That's all for now...

I'll get back to my long-wordy-blog-post mood soon, hopefully...

Signing off~~