Sunday, November 10, 2013

[N]ovember, already??!!!!

Oh dear, I made my new year resolution saying that I will be posting 36 posts this year.. I am now down to 9 posts and less than 2 months left!!

Let's see what else have I not blogged~~
Macau-HK trip.. final day...
Seoul study tour -this was supposed to be halfway done by now~~
Hatyai-Bangkok trip - Yea, I actually went somewhere this year..
Kuching - this just happened so it most probably will not be blogged so soon...
several life events... I got a new job!!! I learned how to sew and made a few of my own pieces...

It seems that I have a lot to blog about... better get a few posts up... and my fanfic... it's also not done yet... oh dear!! so many things to complete and so little time...

Gonna blame mr procrastinator~~

That's all for now...

I'll get back to my long-wordy-blog-post mood soon, hopefully...

Signing off~~

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