Friday, December 28, 2007

Flashbacks of the year...

woo-hoo.... year 2007 is coming to an end.... so now.... let me recall what have i done throughout the whole year....

  1. graduated from foundation
  2. finally reached degree year 1...
  3. filmed a short documentary (assignment)
  4. first time in my life have an assignment that is nice (broacasting-thanks to festiny)
  5. worked as a waitress for the first time...
  6. received my first paycheque (instead of normal petty cash...)
  7. learnt japanese...
  8. drove myself all the way to bukit jalil (with some help)
  9. went to china twice in a year....
  10. bought an MP3 and an MP4....
  11. corrupted 2 camera memory cards...
  12. got a new blog in yahoo hk
  13. finally managed to get thru the call-in lines in MyFM and won something...
  14. stepped into NTV7
  15. see Wang Shaowei and Michael Tong in person
  16. reached 100 posts in this blog...
  17. played almost 10 rounds on the bumper car in one day...
  18. lost my 4th uncle and not been able to attend his funeral....
  19. got a new handycam from dad.... (thanks dad, again)
  20. got an atm card...

Wo-ho.... that's all i can think of.... as you can see there are more happy things than the sad ones... i guess this means that i could easily forget most of my depressing moments and just have fun with the happy ones.... not bad, huh???

Next up:

New year resolutions.... (stay tune!!)


Kee Kee 琦琦 said...

hey panda,
nice blog hehe...just came to say happy new year to u..;-)

Panda said...

nice to see you here!!!!
happy new year too!!!!