Wednesday, April 22, 2009

update for the sake of updating....

forget about the long breaks between posts.... the other blogs suffer longer breaks... so just please bear with me...

currently i'm on my study leave... which literally... i should be studying... which is what i did but not a lot....

my everyday life is practically the same everyday since monday.... wake up at 10am.... breakfast... tv... bath.... internet (facebook, mainly)... lunch.... "study" while watching tv... dinner... "study" while watching tv again.... zzzzz...

what have i studied???? not very sure... internet research maybe... since that is what i have been frequently doing.... not really research... more to entertainment....

my current semester has net been very good... seeing that i fail mid terms.... failed assignments.... doing very poorly in presentations... so i guess i'll be dragging down my cgpa to a lower level.... what can i do??? was being kinda distracted after seeing friends leaving the country... and finally doing what they always wanted to do.... while i'm still stuck here doing what i-dont-know-what-am-i-doing... must i sound so depressing???? well... i cant deny the fact that i'm really envious of mew mew.... a new friend i've known but never met.... she get to be in the very place that i have always dreamt of going.... and she's working well there... despite the economy crisis thingy that might affect her... it seems that she wasnt really affected except for maybe the extremely long working hours.... but i bet she wouldnt mind that....

ok... i must get rid of all these depressing stuff in my mind.... think of something happy.... maybe that's why i have been watching so much tv.... because watching tv... simply makes me happy...

just like the title od the post... i'm updating for the sake of updating.... since i dont have much to share.... so i might as well just pour random words to make up for it....

hmm... i wonder... will my application be successful????
if its ok... i'm so gonna have to brush up my english.....
my english grammer is pathetic and embarassing...

signing off!!


Karen said...

wei...dont la said like tat...makes me even dont noe what i m doing as least u're in d right field, i study for the sake of study/exam lol...sometimes,i like ur life,can meet wif interesting ppl while here,complicated not all..alwiz test n test n test...i thk sci ppl oso kinda hard to communicate,some la...

Panda said...

i guess sometimes we only see the good side of life of others... hehehe...

i also sometimes prefer your campus and friends... they are much simpler..