Thursday, May 17, 2007

cockroach battle.... (eewwww...)

I still have bout 1 week to go before my degree starts... how time flies...
Just a random question.... how do you get rid of cockroaches for good???? i spent almost half an hour the other day battling against 6-7 cockroaches..... it all happen when i was about to use the toilet and a cockroach suddenly appeared beside me... dropping off the intention of using the toilet.. i dashed out for the cockroach spray... unfortunately... my house ran out of cockroach spray... so i have to use the mosquito spray instead which i know couldnt be more powerful than the original cockroach spray... but its better than nothing, i dont wanna battle the cockroach with my bare hands!!!!! So i sprayed as much as i could as the cockroach to make sure it will die... (i'm cruel... i know that....) while i was waiting for it to stop struggling so that i could throw it away to get it off my sight.... another one appeared... with the mosquito spray still in my hands... i started spraying again... but before the second cockroach flip itself... the third one appeared... (wonder where do they come from???) and with it... another cockroach.. which makes four and its a baby by judging its size... i start spraying all over the place for 3 cockroaches....the baby flipped itself first then followed by the second one... the third one was scurrying all around the place to avoid the spray but it flipped itself at last... feeling kinda tired... i waited for the cockroaches to stop struggling cuz if i kinda "touch" them before they stop struggling, they might just flip itself back and start running around again...
After that... i realised that i sprayed too much... while most of the cockroaches stopped struggling... i flush them into the drain with water which will also wash off the sprayings.... its kinda hard flushing with 1 hand while my other hand was holding the spray.. so i put the spray to where it belong and went back to the toilet to continue flushing.... as i was doing so.... ANOTHER cockroach came out of nowhere.... yikes... feeling lazy to walk in and out for the cockroach spray... i decided to just flush it off with water.... minimise the killing... that is... i have done enough... after flushing all the cockroaches into the drain... i refill the empty bucket and found out there's ANOTHER cockroach hiding behind it.... feeling a bit impatient already after so may cockroaches around the place.... i started flushing it off and close the drain hole after i make sure that i have got rid of all the cockroaches in the toilet....
and really, that was tiring.... delaying my sleeping time by almost half an hour....
but i have used up enough water to hold my house's water tank from overflowing and prevent the irritating dripping noise that wakes me up most of the mornings....
boy those stupid cockroaches!!!!!
and the next thing is to remind my mum to buy cockroach sprays whenever she is going out.....

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