Thursday, May 10, 2007


Since i've done a lot of career quizzes already... so i decided to try out some names quizzes... see what are the other kind of names i have....

here goes nothing....

What Lee Pei Tsan Means

L is for Luxurious

E is for Elegant

E is for Extraordinary

P is for Pretty

E is for Enlightened

I is for Inspirational

T is for Timeless

S is for Spiritual

A is for Amazing

N is for Nice

I'll first go with what my name means as a start.....

Luxurious??? Erm... not really... i'm not that luxurious when it comes to the price... you know luxurious stuff have luxurious price....

Elegant?? hahahahahahahaha... -cant stop laughing- Do i look elegant to you????

Extraordinary... maybe... i like to be extraordinary... being out of ordinary... not bad...

pretty????? hahahahahahahahahahahaha -laughs even harder than d elegant time- when does pretty comes along with my name???? maybe petty will do... hahahahaha -continue laughing-

enlightened... am i???? maybe in tv.. show biz thingies i am....

inspirational... that's where i get ideas from for fanfics...

timeless??? no time???? or no concept of time... i'm late quite often.... sorry...

spiritual?? not really sure what this means....

amazing... am i amazing?????

Nice... hehe.. I am "nice".... what do you think????

Your Pirate Name Is...

Mad Firecrotch
Mad???? Firecrotch??? flaming wey.... sound quite hard to approach....

Your Japanese Name Is...

Mai Sasaki
佐佐木麻衣~~~ at least with this name i know how would it look like in mandrin... i think it'll look the same in japanese, right debbie???? the cartoon is cute.... kawaii ne~~~

Your Hawaiian Name is:

Kiana Kalia
kiana kalia... double k...kk..... aloha!!!

Your Old Fashioned Name Is...

Agnes Daundelyon
Ooo... old fashion.... how do you pronounce the last word???? daundelyon...
should i pronounce it as dandelion??? or daun-de-lyon?? or daun-del-yon????

Your Rapper Name Is...

Lord Shadow
Fuyoh!!!! sounds so dark....

Your Uncommon Name Is:

Catrice Jeneva Rustin
that is uncommon.... maybe i should consider using it... hmm.....
That's all for names.... There are still a lot more... feel free to check them out but i just chose a few that i'm interested.....


debbie 10 said...

firecrotch. rofl. uhuh mai could use those kanji (chinese characters) =)

Panda said...

are the words correct???
i juz hentam them base on my very limited japanese vocabulary...