Tuesday, June 10, 2008

wanted: white pendrive...

Boo-hoo... snifs.... i lost my pendrive!!!! a white pendrive... the brand, pendrive!!! 256mb.... stop tsk-ing.... i know 256mb is not a big deal nowadays since they have up to 4gb of storage for usb flashdrives.... but all my pendrives mean a lot to me no matter how small their capacity is.... ish ish.... i actually am not sure where did i lost it.. i just remember putting it in my pocket before going into the computer lab because we are required to leave our bags outside.... i should not have done that!!! who would wanna steal a 256mb pendrive anyway???!!!!! now it's lost!!!!! waaaa..... just my luck..... i want my pendrive back!!!!! i really liked that one!!!! snifs snifs and double snifs......

depressing..... a partial of my stories are inside.... and there are stil others which i'm not sure what..... aish..... if anybody... have seen it.... can you please be so kind to return it back to me??? although i know the possiblity is around negative 175% that someone will return a pendrive.... but just pretty please.... you dont need a 256mb pendrive, do you????

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